Name of Client: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
Consultants: Prof. Romanus C. Ishengoma
Detailed narrative Description of the Project:
The overall objective was to prepare a training plan that suits the needs of different categories of staff within FBD or successor Agency (managerial, professionals, technical, administrative, accounting, financial management and procurement and supporting staff), MNRT (managerial, planning, financial management, procurement and accounting staff with impact to TFCMP operations), District Councils and Local Communities.
The training plan presented a strategic framework, clearly prioritizing areas of focus, intended trainees and expected outcomes (both in terms of knowledge and skills), and formulating training modules, identifying materials and making budgetary estimates (both developmental and operational). Such tailor made training schemes must be designed to meet the needs of staff at all levels.
Detailed description of the Actual Services Provided by your Staff
This Involved:
Developing a modular training system, intended to facilitate the development of a detailed training pan and feed into Annual work Plan. Specific tasks included;
(a) Identifying key staff involved in implementation of the Project at all levels;
(b) Listing key tasks and responsibilities of these staff (making reference to Project Implementation document for additional guidance)
(c) Developing practical course structure with different modules, identifying raining aids, handouts and trainer support material; and
(d) Preparing a budget, distinguishing operational training costs directly related to the delivery of training, and design and development costs.
Carrying out training needs assessment. The Consultant was to identify the needs in training in a particular project work scope and determine what training will be the answer to an organization’s needs of the FBD and District Governments; The Consultant examined the desired level of competency, which was current or future, and compared it to the existing skill level. The key steps for conducting a training needs assessment and how such an assessment could be used to plan a training program included:-
(e) Determining who should be trained, how and when they should be trained, and the required level of the new knowledge, skills or attitudes, in order to overcome shortfalls recognized in performance of the organization.
(f) Identifying the gaps of leaning in the areas where the skill level was obviously deficient and where training will meet that need.
(g) Identifying new skills required for best serving the organizational needs and gaps in competency
(h) Identifying and analyzing training needs at the organizational level to determine the type and amount of training that is required in an organization by means of:
(i)Forecasting shortages or surpluses in a range of occupations,
(ii)Occupational analysis to identify tasks in a particular occupation;
(iii) Job specification to establish skills required of those who could perform successfully in those who could perform successfully in those occupations;
(iv)Specification of training requirements and modules; and
(v) If training is not the solution due to poor organizational performance the consultant was to explore and suggest other options, e.g. restructuring the organization, computerization, recruitment of more appropriately trained ad educated staff, retrenchment or the design of job tasks and descriptions.
(i) Carrying out training needs assessment at the occupational level utilized:
(i) Discussion with supervisors and managers;
(ii) Feedback from clients;
(iii) Performance appraisal;
(iv) Questionnaires to employees; and
(v) Observation on field visits.
(j) Developing training specification description and learning objectives and identifying appropriate training interventions. This included:
(i) Developing content (what should e taught);
(ii)Specification of methodology (how employees will learn and practice)
(iii) Identification of participants (who the trainees or employees will be);
(iv) Identification of expected outcomes (what employees are expected to know)
(k) Assessment of outcome (how to get feedback on effectiveness of learning interventions).
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